International Education Week
Cap off the fall semester with IU Indianapolis’s global community during International Education Week (IEW)!
International Education Week (IEW) is an annual celebration of the amazing benefits of global education and cultural exchange in the international IU Indianapolis community.
This is a week of lively events, activities, discussions, and social gatherings for students, staff, faculty, and community members to help celebrate the diversity of cultures at IU Indianapolis and connect to international opportunities and resources.
Our 2023 Partners

Explore IU Indianapolis's Global Community
International research, collaboration, exchange, and conversations continue online! Here you can explore our existing international community, including student groups, faculty resources, international initiatives, and more:
The 195 flags of the United Nations will be on display in the IU Indianapolis Campus Center for the month of February on loan from the International Center's flag collection.
Engage with us on our socials at IUIGlobal on Instagram and LinkedIn. Contact us at for more information!