
Staying safe on campus

IU Indianapolis is committed to the safety and well-being of all members of our community. The IU Indianapolis works hard to protect you and make campus a safe academic community. We also encourage you to protect yourself and others whenever possible. However, if you’re the victim of a crime or a scam, it’s not your fault.

IU Indianapolis has a dedicated and helpful police department (IUPD). IUPD is a support resource you can use when you have questions related to personal safety.

IU Indianapolis wants to provide a safe and positive environment for everyone. If you think you’re being discriminated against for any reason, you should report the incident.

If you are in imminent danger or require immediate assistance, call 911 or contact the Indiana University Police Department at 317-274-7911.

Staying safe and avoiding scams

Download the Guardian app

The Guardian safety app gives you access to personal safety resources and can help you more easily reach police. Get emergency alerts, use a safe walk timer, and more.

Learn more about Guardian

Don’t fall for a scam

Scammers often target international students and scholars, often pretending to be government or immigration officials. Keep your personal information and money safe by knowing what to expect.

Learn more about avoiding scams

Staying safe in personal relationships

Personal relationships differ from country to country. In the United States, we highly value mutual respect. You don’t have to tolerate any violence, including sexual or relationship violence or stalking, even if you’re in a relationship with the person.

If you’ve been the victim of a such an event, the university and local law enforcement can help you. We strongly encourage you to seek help.

Anything you report is kept private

If you report a problem or issue to the university, IU Indianapolis won’t tell your family or community. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a U.S. government law about your privacy, means that in general, we are not allowed to share any information with your family unless either of the following is true:

  • You give specific permission for us to do so
  • There is a serious threat to health or safety

Emergency notifications

IU has a system called IU Notify to spread emergency notifications. It sends out warning messages if there is an event on or around the Bloomington campus, like severe weather, fires, violent crimes, and dangerous situations.

Your IU email address is automatically enrolled in IU Notify when you come to campus. You can also add your phone number (for text or call notifications) or other email addresses. You can even add your family members so they receive these notifications as well. 

What to do in adverse weather 

Sometimes Indianapolis experiences bad weather. It’s important to know what to do before an incident happens. Severe thunderstorms and tornadoes can occur in Indiana. Although they can happen any time in the year, they are more likely in the spring and summer. The National Weather Service (NWS) provides warnings when severe weather is occurring.

Tornado watches and warnings

A tornado watch means weather conditions are favorable for a tornado, and this is a time to be aware and prepared to act. A tornado warning means you need to seek shelter immediately by moving to an interior room on the lowest floor with no windows (basements and bathrooms are often your best option).

Winter weather

In the winter, we experience cold temperatures and snowstorms. Usually there is plenty of notice of these events so you have time to prepare (making sure you have enough food and supplies for a couple of days).

Other emergencies

There are other emergency situations that could happen anytime, anywhere. Knowing what to do in a situation could make all the difference.

Learn about other emergency situations 

Prepare in advance

Being prepared can help you stay safe in the event of an emergency. 

  • Sign up for IU-Notify

    Sign up for IU-Notify to receive alerts in an emergency. Be sure to keep your contact information current.

  • Program your phone with important numbers

    • 317-274-7233 (SAFE) will connect you to the IU Indianapolis Safewalk service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to walk you safely anywhere on campus.

    • 911 is the emergency number for anywhere in the United States. Use this for a life-threatening emergency.

    • Designate a personal emergency contact for a close friend or relative who can help. Notify Office of International Affairs of this contact through the Your Information eform in Atlas.

    • Also memorize the same numbers, in case your phone is not available.

  • Install a weather app on your phone

    Indiana experiences frequent changes in the weather. Severe weather, such as strong thunderstorms with high winds and hail, winter storms, and even tornados are possible.

    A watch means that severe weather is possible. Stay alert and avoid travelling in a location where you cannot quickly seek shelter if needed

    A warning means that severe weather is occurring. Most weather warnings are based on County locations. All of Indianapolis is located in Marion County. Install a weather app on your phone so you can monitor the situation and stay safe.

    View a map of Indiana counties »

  • Plan to explore the city –safely

    Follow these basic tips when you are exploring the city:

    • Use a map to help you get to know different areas, whether walking, driving, or taking a taxi.
    • Don’t walk alone late at night, even for short distances.
    • Stay in well-lit, public areas.
    • Walk “with purpose”– show that you know where you are going.
    • If someone is making you uncomfortable, get near a crowd of people and ask for help.
  • Prepare ahead for apartment living

    If you will live in an apartment, follow these safety guidelines:

    • Keep doors and windows locked.

    • Get to know your neighbors–introduce yourself.

    • Make sure you have a working smoke detector, fire extinguisher, and first aid kit.

    • Don’t let unknown persons into your home.

    • Purchase a Renter’s Insurance Policy. You cannot expect to receive compensation if anything happens to your belongings due to severe weather, fire, or theft if you do not have insurance.

  • Understand procedures for different emergencies

    Every emergency situation is different. Having a plan of what you will do in a specific type of emergency can help you make good decisions in case the emergency ever happens to you.

    Learn about emergency response procedures »

Learn about local laws

Understanding and following basic laws and local procedures can help you stay safe and avoid difficult situations.

  • Alcohol, smoking, and drugs

    • The legal age for drinking alcohol in Indiana is 21

    • Never drink and drive. Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) or Driving Under the Influence (DUI) are treated as serious crimes.

    • Marijuana is illegal in Indiana.

    • Tobacco is legal, but cannot be used in most public locations.

    • IU Indianapolis is a smoke-free campus.

    • In Indiana, it is illegal to smoke within eight feet (approximately two meters) in front of building entrances.

    • You are legally and personally responsible for your actions, no matter what the situation.

    Learn more »

  • Sexual and Relationship Violence

    IU Indianapolis wants every member of the IU Indianapolis community to understand how to recognize and help prevent sexual harassment and sexual violence.

    Learn more about Sexual Assault Prevention at IU Indianapolis

    Contact IU Indianapolis Sexual Assault Prevention Resources

  • Driving Laws

    • All drivers must carry auto insurance

    • You can be arrested for excessive speeding above the speed limit (Reckless Driving)

    • The driver and all passengers MUST wear seatbelts; children must use car seats until age 8

    • Yield to pedestrians

    • Stop for a school bus with blinking lights – in either direction.

    • Having multiple traffic violations or unpaid tickets may lead to a suspended driver’s license

    • Never try to bribe a police officer or flee the scene to avoid a traffic ticket

  • If you have children

    • Young children cannot be left home alone.

    • Young children cannot be left alone in public.