Technology & Cell Phones

Access IU Indianapolis technology and get a cell phone

Here are some of the main ways you will use technology at IU Indianapolis.

  • Atlas is an online portal for international students and scholars. You will use iStart to complete many important tasks before and after you arrive at IU Indianapolis.
  • One.IU is the place for many IU Indianapolis online services. You can access email, see your class schedule, pay your IU Indianapolis bill, track bus locations in real time, and much more.
  • Your IU Indianapolis email account is how you will receive official communications from IU Indianapolis. University Information Technology Service (UITS) has more information about email.
  • You will use a passphrase (plus your username) to log into your computing account. UITS has more information about passphrases, including how to reset yours.

If you need help with technology at IU Indianapolis, contact UITS.

Technology Discounts for IU Indianapolis Students

As an IU Indianapolis student, you are eligible for many discounts through the Jagperks program, including discounts on laptops and cell phones.

Explore CrimsonPerk Discounts

Additionally, you may download many software programs such as Adobe Creative Cloud and Microsoft Office 365 through IUWare. Windows 10 is available at a deep discount.

Find Free and Discounted Software

Cellular Phones in the United States

Cellular phone companies (also called mobile phone companies or wireless providers) allow two payment models for service: postpaid service and prepaid service. You will need to decide which option is right for you.

Postpaid Service

Postpaid wireless service is the traditional arrangement. You sign a contract agreeing to pay a certain amount each month for the agreed-upon service. The provider delivers the service to you continuously and bills you each month.

Large deposits are usually required, especially for people without Social Security numbers. This deposit is normally refunded at some point, although this varies by phone service provider.

Prepaid Service

All major cell phone providers in the United States offer prepaid wireless plans. When you buy prepaid wireless service, a provider makes an agreed-upon number of minutes available to your cell phone. You pay for those minutes at the time of agreement.

After you have used the minutes you purchased, you need to buy more minutes to be able to keep using your phone. This option does not typically require a credit check or a deposit.

How Should I Choose a Provider?

You will want to choose a wireless service that provides competitive rates for calling your home country. Many students use their cell phone as their main means of communication. Low international rates will enable you to keep in touch with people at home without paying high fees.

If you are a married student or are moving to Indianapolis with additional family members, choosing a company that offers additional lines at competitive fees can keep your monthly costs lower. Also, look at the wireless providers offering free mobile-to-mobile minutes. This enables you to call the other family members on your plan without using your minutes.