
IU Indianapolis’s partnership with Sun Yat-sen University in China engages many IU Indy schools and units to enrich both campuses.

Located in Guangzhou, Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU) is a top-ten Chinese University with strong academic programs such as science, engineering, business, and more.  Many IU Indianapolis schools collaborate with SYSU through activities including:

  • 2+2 dual degree programs where SYSU students study for two years in China and two years at IU Indianapolis. (Six degree types available including business, engineering, computer science, informatics, public affairs, and actuarial science.)
  • Research partnerships for faculty, residents, and students
  • Study abroad exchange programs

Since 2013, senior leaders from IUPUI and SYSU participate in Cooperative Development Committee meetings every year to guide partnership activities.

Growing engagement with China

Many IU Indianapolis schools partner with institutions in China, found in the Registry of Partnership Agreements. Additionally, the Office of International Affairs supports the presence of more than 400 students and 200 scholars from China on campus every year. 

Contact us to get involved and learn more

IU East Asia Gateway

Indiana University has an office in Beijing, China, as part of the IU Global Gateway Network. The gateway offices support scholarly research and teaching, conferences and workshops, study abroad programs, distance learning initiatives, executive and corporate programs, and alumni events.

Learn more about the IU East Asia Gateway »