Hire a J-1 Student Intern

Students from other countries may be eligible to intern at IU Indianapolis in J-1 student intern status.
Students should contact an IU Indianapolis host department to inquire about the possibility of an internship and then can work with the host department to get the application materials and apply.

J-1 Intern Requirements

Student interns must meet the following requirements:

  • They must be full-time students who are enrolled in and pursuing a degree at an accredited postsecondary academic institution outside the United States.

  • They must be in good academic standing at the home institution.

  • They must have verifiable English language skills that are sufficient for the internship’s day-to-day responsibilities.

  • They must have sufficient finances to cover housing expenses, living expenses, and other needs during the entire stay, for themselves and any dependents (spouse or children). The intern must demonstrate $1,310 per month in financial support for himself or herself, $666 per month for the first dependent, and $563 per month for each additional dependent.

  • They must work with the department to complete the DS-7002 form.

  • They must maintain adequate medical insurance while they are in the United States.

  • After the internship is over, they must return to the home institution to finish their degree.

Internship Requirements

The internship must meet these criteria:

  • It must fulfill an educational objective for the J-1 intern’s degree program at the home institution.

  • It must be full time (at least 32 hours per week).

  • It may last up to 12 months.

  • All tasks must be necessary for the completion of the internship. No more than 20 percent of the tasks can be clerical work.

  • It must expose the intern to American techniques and methodologies.

  • It must expand upon the intern’s existing knowledge and skills, but it cannot duplicate his or her prior experience.
  • Internships cannot place a student intern in any position that involves unskilled or casual labor, child care or elder care, aviation, or clinical positions involving patient care or contact including sports or physical therapy, psychological counseling, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, social work, speech therapy, or early childhood education.

Host Department Responsibilities

  • Verify the J-1 intern’s English language ability. An interview, a recognized English language test, or signed documentation from an academic institution or English language school can be used for verification.

  • Complete all required documents and signatures, secure a placement for the intern, and submit the application to us at the Office of International Affairs. We recommend that departments allow at least three months for processing.

  • Mail acceptance materials and immigration documents to the intern via a certified express courier, such as FedEx or UPS.

  • Arrange the intern’s housing and IU Indianapolis necessities, such as a university ID, email account, and library access.

  • Ensure that the intern checks in at the Office of International Affairs within 30 days of the start date on the DS-2019. Notify us of cancellations or delays.

  • Evaluate the intern, and provide the Office of International Affairs with an evaluation for the intern’s file.

Departments should evaluate each intern at the end of the program and also at the midpoint if the internship will last more than six months.

  • Notify the Office of International Affairs of early departures.