IU Indianapolis International Insurance Plan

Indiana University Indianapolis International Student and Scholar Health Insurance Plan

In the United States, health insurance is necessary to receive medical care at a more affordable rate. As an international student or scholar, you are required to have coverage  stay in the U.S. Having adequate health insurance ensures that you comply with visitor regulations, stay healthy, and protect yourself from unexpected medical costs.

IU Indianapolis will enroll students in the IU International health insurance plan. Scholars can choose to purchase the same insurance or select another company as long as it meets certain requirements. Learn more about the IU International Plan


Health insurance for your dependents 

Your dependent family members are eligible for health insurance through IU Indianapolis if you are already enrolled in the IU International Plan. If you are not enrolled in IU’s international student health plan, you must find other health insurance for your dependents. Unlike IU Indianapolis students, your dependents will not automatically be enrolled in the plan.

Contacts for insurance related questions

IU Human Resources Student Insurance Specialist: Insurance plan information
Telephone: 812-856-4650 
Email: studenhc@iu.edu  

Office of International Affairs: Enrollment and billing 
Telephone: 317-274-7000 
Email: iadvisor@iu.edu 

2019-20 Anthem Student Insurance Plans: Questions about using insurance and medical bills
Telephone: 1-855-422-3833
Email: support@ahpcare.com