On-Campus Employment for F-1 Students

Many international students at IU Indianapolis earn income by working on campus. On campus employment refers to any job on the IU Indianapolis campus in which you are paid by IU Indianapolis/Indiana University. Exceptions to the “paid by IU” requirement exist for businesses that operate on campus for the purpose of serving students. One example is the campus bookstore. Another is Chartwells Campus Dining. Jobs paid by IU Health are not considered on-campus employment.

Students who wish to work on any IU campus other than IU Indianapolis should send an email to the Office of International Affairs (iadvisor@iu.edu) or call 317-274-7000 to make an appointment with an international student advisor to discuss this in advance of accepting any employment.

How Do I Get Authorization to Work On-Campus?

As an F-1 student, you do not need authorization from Office of International Affairs to work on the IU Indianapolis campus. However, you must be in legal F-1 status and have a valid I-20 in order to be employed.

What Are The Rules I Must Follow to Work Legally On Campus?

You must:

  • Enroll as a full time student during the fall and spring semesters.
  • Work no more than 20 hours per week during the fall and spring semesters.
  • Work more than 20 hours/week only during official university breaks (summer break, winter break and spring break). (Note that IU policies limit part-time employees to 29 hours/week.)
  • Stop working as soon as you complete your program. This is typically the last day of finals for the semester or the date final thesis/dissertation edits are submitted (for students complete with all other coursework).

Your 20-hour weekly maximum is a combined total for all on campus jobs you have. Hours may not be averaged over a period of time.

Where can I find a job?

The Office of Student Employment is your best source for assistance in finding an on campus job. This office serves undergraduate students with many services, but all students can utilize the online job board to begin their job search and view a variety of on-campus positions that are available to international students to apply. On their website, you will find a link to the job board and tips for utilizing the job board. In addition to using the job board, you should visit campus offices to inquire about any open positions and deliver your resume. The Office of Student Employment provides workshops and resources about resume writing, interview skills, networking, and many other employment-related topics. 

I found a job! What do I do now?

Your employer will ask you to complete a form called the I-9 to show your eligibility to work in the United States.

Learn how to complete the I-9 form »

If you don’t have one already, you should apply for a Social Security Number (SSN).

Learn how to apply for an SSN »

Your employer may require a “Criminal Background Check” if you have been present in the U.S. for more than one year. If you have been in the U.S. for less than one year, you are exempt. The university policy on background checks is available online.

View the university background check policy »

Information for Employers

The rules on this page apply only to students in F-1 status. You may confirm a student’s visa status by looking in SIS.

View the online resource for hiring F-1 and J-1 students »