Curriculum Internationalization Advisory Committee

The Curriculum Internationalization Advisory Committee will work with the Office of International Affairs in setting a strategic course for IU Indianapolis’s global learning initiatives; help guide the efforts of the Office of International Affairs to provide faculty and staff development opportunities with regard to curriculum internationalization and global learning; communicate knowledge, perspectives, and insight from IU Indianapolis’s stakeholders with regard to these areas; and enhance the relationship and information flow between OIA and campus units with regard to curriculum internationalization and global learning.


  • Pierre Atlas
    Senior Lecturer, Interim MPA Program Director, Paul H. O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs

  • woman with curly brown hair smiling with close lips

    Leslie Bozeman
    Committee Chair; Director of Curriculum Internationalization, Office of International Affairs

  • Alice Dahlka Portrait

    Alice Dahlka
    Residence Life Specialist for Academic Initiatives, Office of Housing and Residence Life, Division of Student Affairs

  • Gabriel Filippelli
    Director of the Center for Urban Health; Professor of Earth Sciences, School of Science, IU Indianapolis

  • Nancy Goldfarb
    Senior Lecturer in English, School of Liberal Arts

  • Doug Jerolimov
    Instructional Design Consultant, Center for Teaching and Learning, IUI

  • Brian Krohn
    Director of TESM Graduate Programs; Chair, Department of Tourism, Event, and Sport Management; Associate Professor, School of Health and Human Sciences, IUI

  • Stephanie Leslie
    Director of Study Abroad, Office of International Affairs

  • Ian McIntosh
    Director of International Partnerships, Office of International Affairs

  • Minjoo Morlan
    Faculty Field Coordinator; Assistant Professor, School of Social Work

  • Jeremy Price
    Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Education, School of Education

  • Je'Nobia LaVon Smith
    Assistant Director of Multicultural Education; Ph.D. Candidate in Urban Education Studies

  • Uranchimeg Tsultem
    Associate Professor, Edgar and Dorothy Fehnel Chair in International Studies, Herron School of Art and Design

  • Pamala Wiepking Portrait

    Pamala Wiepking
    Stead Family Chair in International Philanthropy, Lilly Family School of Philanthropy; Professor of Societal Significance of Charity Lotteries, Center for Philanthropic Studies, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam