Dimensions of Global Learning

IU Indianapolis Dimensions of Global Learning developing global mindsets for all IU Indy students

The IU Indianapolis Dimensions of Global Learning are designed as a tool for faculty, staff, and administrators to help them develop more intentionally global and intercultural learning experiences across the curriculum and co-curriculum.

The IU Indianapolis Dimensions of Global Learning represent a vital step in achieving IU Indy’s goal to:

Develop curricular and co-curricular activities that enable all IU Indianapolis students to have at least one substantial global learning experience during their IU Indy career, either internationally or locally.

With a global mindset, IU Indianapolis students will be able to:

  1. Analyze their own beliefs, values, assumptions, experiences, and/or communication styles in respect to those of at least one other culture.

  2. Practice intercultural communication with the intent of cultivating respectful and productive collaboration, dialogue, and engagement with others.

  3. Demonstrate understanding of the workings of other nations, cultures, and/or the geopolitical processes and systems that connect the world.

  4. Explain the global, international, and/or cultural dimensions of their disciplines, professions, and/or educational interests.

  5. Summarize the consequences of policies, global systems, and/or historical trends for people as well as how people the world over impact these processes.

  6. Incorporate diverse perspectives and sources of knowledge to analyze, evaluate, and/or address contemporary and historical global problems.

  7. Apply learning from internationalized experiences in the communities and contexts in which they live, work, learn, and/or serve.

  8. Use ethical and inclusive frameworks to inform decision-making, cross-cultural teamwork, and/or solutions to global and local problems and inequities.

Download IU Indianapolis's Dimensions of Global Learning

Drafted by a campus-wide group of faculty and staff. Finalized (2/27) and endorsed by the IU Indianapolis Faculty Council (3/3) and the Division of Student Affairs (4/2) Spring 2020


The Dimensions of Global Learning and the Profiles of Learning for Undergraduate Success: aligning the two IU Indianapolis learning frameworks

Below you will find specific alignments between the Dimensions of Global Learning (DGL) and the IU Indianapolis Profiles of Learning for Undergraduate Success. Language from the corresponding Profile is noted in parentheses after the DGL. You can also download and print a version. 

  • Communicator Profile

    Goal: Convey ideas effectively through writing, oral, and visual mediums.

    DGL #1 Analyze their own beliefs, values, assumptions, experiences, and/or
    communication styles in respect to those of at least one other culture. (Evaluates
    Information, Listens Actively)

    DGL #2 Practice intercultural communication with the intent of cultivating respectful and
    productive collaboration, dialogue, and engagement with others. (Listens
    Actively, Builds Relationships)

    DGL #4 Explain the global, international, and/or cultural dimensions of their disciplines,
    professions, and/or educational interests. (Conveys Ideas Effectively)

    DGL #5 Summarize the consequences of policies, global systems, and/or historical trends
    for people as well as how people the world over impact these processes. (Listens
    Actively, Conveys Ideas Effectively

  • Problem Solver Profile

    Goal: Collect, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information to implement innovative solutions.

    DGL #2 Practice intercultural communication with the intent of cultivating respectful and
    productive collaboration, dialogue, and engagement with others. (Collaborates,

    DGL #3 Demonstrate understanding of the workings of other nations, cultures, and/or the
    geopolitical processes and systems that connect the world. (Thinks Critically)

    DGL #6 Incorporate diverse perspectives and sources of knowledge to analyze, evaluate,
    and/or address contemporary and historical global problems. (Creates/Designs,
    Confronts Challenges)

    DGL #7 Apply learning from internationalized experiences in the communities and contexts in which
    they live, work, learn, and/or serve. (Thinks Critically; Analyzes, Synthesizes, Evaluates)

    DGL #8 Use ethical and inclusive frameworks to inform decision-making, cross-cultural teamwork,
    and/or solutions to global and local problems and inequities. (Thinks Critically; Collaborates;
    Analyzes, Synthesizes, Evaluates; Perseveres)

  • Innovator Profile

    Goal: Build on experiences and disciplinary expertise to approach new situations in original ways.

    DGL #4 Explain the global, international, and/or cultural dimensions of their disciplines,
    professions, and/or educational interests.

    DGL #5 Summarize the consequences of policies, global systems, and/or historical trends
    for people as well as how people the world over impact these processes.
    (Investigates, Confronts Challenges)

    DGL #6 Incorporate diverse perspectives and sources of knowledge to analyze, evaluate,
    and/or address contemporary and historical global problems. (Creates/Designs,
    Confronts Challenges)

    DGL #7 Apply learning from internationalized experiences in the communities and contexts in which
    they live, work, learn, and/or serve. (Investigates, Creates/Designs, Confronts Challenges, Makes

    DGL #8 Use ethical and inclusive frameworks to inform decision-making, cross-cultural
    teamwork, and/or solutions to global and local problems and inequities.
    (Investigates, Creates/Designs, Confronts Challenges, Makes Decisions)

  • Community Contributor Profile

    Goal: Is an active and valued contributor on the campus and in local and global communities.

    DGL #1 Analyze their own beliefs, values, assumptions, experiences, and/or
    communication styles in respect to those of at least one other culture. (Builds
    Community, Respectfully Engages Own and Other Cultures)

    DGL #2 Practice intercultural communication with the intent of cultivating respectful and
    productive collaboration, dialogue, and engagement with others. (Respectfully
    Engages Own and Other Cultures, Anticipates Consequences)

    DGL #3 Demonstrate understanding of the workings of other nations, cultures, and/or the
    geopolitical processes and systems that connect the world. (Respectfully Engages
    Own and Other Cultures)

    DGL #7 Apply learning from internationalized experiences in the communities and contexts in which
    they live, work, learn, and/or serve. (Builds Community, Respectfully Engages Own and Other
    Cultures, Behaves Ethically, Anticipates Consequences)

    DGL #8 Use ethical and inclusive frameworks to inform decision-making, cross-cultural teamwork,
    and/or solutions to global and local problems and inequities. (Behaves Ethically, Anticipates