Request a New H1-B Visa

Obtain an IU Indianapolis ID Number

If the employee/scholar is new to IU Indianapolis and does not have a university ID, initiate an add a new person e-doc to obtain the ID number.

Gather Needed Information

    • Supporting Documents. Click here to see a list of the documents to compile and submit to the Office of International Affairs as part of the H-1B request through Atlas for a new H-1B visa.

      • Prior to starting e-forms you will need the:

        • university position number, job title, salary plan/grade code, salary, employment dates, required degree, required experience, and credentials. The job requirements should match official job description on file with HR.

    • Have all documentation ready prior to be initiating e-forms so that you will be able to complete them; it is possible to save drafts and return to them later. 

Use Atlas to Complete H-1B e-form Requests

If this is your first time, request access to Atlas by following these steps.

    • Go to Atlas. Click the "Departmental Services" link at the left of the page. Then select "IUINA H-1B Employee E-Form" from the menu and enter the scholar's ID and birthdate. See a screen shot.

    • Then complete and submit the e-forms that appear on the checklist. The IU Indianapolis Department Compliance Certification e-form will become available once all the others are submitted. See a screen shot. You will have to check on the progress to see if it is available to be submitted.

    • Once you've submitted all of the forms they will route to the Office of International Affairs for processing.